MEAA resumes the knowledge-sharing sessions

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In 2020 March, almost all of physical activities were stopped due to the COVID pandemic, and MEAA came up with an idea for a proper way to continue the activities virtually. Two months later, MEAA started the first knowledge-sharing session through online and 14 sessions in total were provided until the end of the year. The primary objective of these sessions is to share environmental knowledge not only for MEAA members but also for every Myanmar people who are interested in environmental principle.

Afterwards, this activity was temporarily shelved for the 21-month duration and MEAA resumed it on October 16, 2022 along with the session named “Unban Environment and Heat Island Effect”. During this session, about 50 audiences joined the Zoom platform and more than 70 audiences were engaged with the Facebook Live broadcasting on MEAA official Facebook page.

MEAA will continue the knowledge-sharing sessions in near future with intriguing and current topics related to our environment. If you want to explore more about “Unban Environment and Heat Island Effect”, you can watch here.

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